Tuesday, July 12, 2011


The kids have been after me to post about the strawberries and how we used them...

Lots of fresh berries, 17 jars of jam, strawberry shortcakes, strawberries over ice cream, strawberry rhubarb crisps and..... 

What?  You came to the blog to find out if piglets have been born or not?  Oh....
they have!

They started coming around Midnight between July 11th and 12th.  I had specifically asked her to NOT have them in the middle of the night.  But it looked like she was going to have them soon so some faithful sisters slept out in the barn with Jacob.  

 Bandit thought this was the best night EVER!

  They range from light and spotted to brown to black like their mom.

She had 11. We are still waiting to see the final outcome for a couple of them.  There are definitely a couple of runts.  Jacob had to get this one going after it came out.  It was the last to be born.  But it did perk up and start to nurse so as of 3:30am we still have 11.

At 3:30 in the morning Agatha had two more babies for a total of 13.  Problem is that she only has 11 nipples.  Not a fun decision for Jacob but probably two will need to be sacrificed.  Or put on a bottle which is pretty much the same thing for pigs.

 And they keep doing things like this-

Wandering away and not being able to find their way back or getting stuck in the corners of the stall.  Will update later today.

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