Thursday, July 21, 2011

Ouchie for Elayna

Being three and laid up with a minor sprain is tough.  

But it helps to have good friends to hang out with.


  1. Quite the menagerie of friends she has. I am sorry to hear about her boo-boo. We will pray that she is up and at 'em in no time. (it looks like that piglet is doing well, how are the rest of them?)

  2. The others are doing great! In fact today they ventured out with mom for the first time. watching that huge pig with those little babies trailing along behind her was so fun! I will get pictures taken and posted soon.

  3. Oh, we are so sorry for Elayna! She sure is cute snuggling with her animal friends though! :)

    Glad to hear the piglets are well.

  4. sorry Elayna got hurt, but glad she has such wonderful company...Praying for a quick recovery!
