Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Driving Update

I was thinking this morning that most teenagers are excited about learning how to drive.  At our house we are also excited about learning to drive.  It just happens to be a different kind of driving.

Stephanie has done such a fantastic job with Altivo!  He is pulling the cart like a little champ!  To think that not that long ago he was a stubborn little pony who fought the farrier, wouldn't let anyone ride him and wouldn't even let himself be caught.  With some good training he has become really fun!

He is doing so good that Jacob is learning to drive him too!


  1. WOW, Stephanie, you have done an awesome job with Altivo. I remember those days when you Ladies tried to catch him and he would allude you every time. You have done a great job taming him and getting him to pull the cart with people in it. It looks like everyone will be able to enjoy him now!!
